Thursday, February 18, 2016

[Article Sharing] Horizontal Directional Drilling

How are pipelines installed across rivers? | Canadian Energy Pipeline Association


What is horizontal directional drilling (HDD)?

HDD construction in action (photo courtesy of CCI)
HDD is a trenchless construction method that, in the simplest terms, involves drilling a path underneath a river or other obstacle (like a road) and basically threading the pipeline underneath.

CCI is a Canadian company that specializes in using HDD to construct pipelines that cross bodies of water. Dave Dupuis, the company’s chief operating officer, explained that HDD eliminates the need for equipment to enter the water, like in the open-cut method of installation.

“There is absolutely zero impact in regards to the environment because we are going underneath (the water), so there is no surface disturbance whatsoever for the construction and installation,” said Dupuis, who added that disturbances only occur where the machinery is located and at the exit point where the pipe is joined.

If you want more info on how HDD works, CCI was featured on the TV series “Frontiers of Construction,” and you can download the video on CCI’s site (just scroll to the bottom of the page for the link).

How does HDD protect the environment?

“It’s really the most environmentally friendly method of installation across a water body,” Dupuis explained.

He pointed out that because there is no physical activity inside the water, “fish habitats are not disturbed.”

Riverbank stability is another benefit associated with the HDD construction method.

“There is no disturbance, so there’s no possibility of (the bank) sloping in or eroding into the water body,” Dupuis pointed out.

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