Thursday, February 18, 2016

[Article Sharing] Fitness-for-service in Pipeline

Fitness-for-service assessment of unpiggable pipelines | Pipelines International


Advanced ultrasonic in-line inspection tools provide accurate, repeatable, 100 per cent coverage data that can be used to manage pipeline reliability.
Pipeline operators have long been aware of the need to manage and maintain the integrity of their systems. Recent advances and proven deployment of compact, highly accurate ultrasonic inspection tools for unpiggable and difficult-to-inspect pipelines, in addition to engineering assessment, allow operators to analyse and make decisions that affect continuing reliability.

Quest Integrity Group has developed a number of leading-edge solutions for the inspection and assessment of unpiggable pipelines. InVista is an ultrasonic, fully self-contained, free flowing in-line inspection tool. Unlike other systems, it provides direct measurement of anomaly characteristics for superior pipeline integrity assessment.

The tool detects internal and external corrosion in addition to the dimensional change in difficult configurations, including 1D bends. The tool is easily launched and bi-directional, and is designed to provide high-resolution measurement data of axial position, geometry, and wall thickness.

Fitness-for-service assessment

Fitness-for-service assessment is a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate structural components to determine if they are fit for continued service. Pipelines may contain flaws or other damage, or may be subject to more severe operating conditions than the original design anticipated. Quest Integrity Group’s LifeQuest pipeline assessment solution uses API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 fitness-for-service methodology to deliver an assessment of the pipeline for continued operation at defined maximum allowable operating pressure. An evaluation of remaining life and/or inspection intervals may also be part of such an assessment.

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