Sunday, September 30, 2012

Are We Ready For Electric Cars?

According to the article that I have read, the government aiming to mass produce 10,000 electric cars in 2014. As part of the government policy to limit fuel subsidies, they have once planned to promote the use of gas for the transportation. However, electric cars are more likely to answer the problem of the increasing of fuel subsidies that is caused by the increasing fossil fuel consumption. Moreover, along with public awareness of global warming and the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, the use of electric cars in our transportation system looks unavoidable.
File:Roadster 2.5 charging.jpg
Tesla Roadster recharging
The writer of the article which I read also wrote that one of the social benefits of electric cars as compared to fossil-fueled cars, is to reduce air pollution. This can further result in improving public health quality. However, the level of pollution will not decrease when there is not enough power resource to be utilized by electric cars and other electric devices needed by households and industries. Electricity, which is used to reduce air pollution in industrial activities, will instead be used to power electric cars. In addition, if electric cars get electricity from power plants that rely on fossil fuels, then the argument that electric cars are environmentally friendly cannot be accepted. If that occurs, it only replaces fossil fuel consumption from power plants to electric cars. Moreover, if the government really wants to develop electrical energy for our transportation system, they should start from generating electrical energy that should already be environmentally friendly and sustainable, which results in the form of convenient and reliable electric mass transportation.

In my opinion, the electricity infrastructure is not yet ready to support electric cars for personal use. Based on the illustration from other article that I read, the installed capacity of the domestic power resource reaches around 5,000 kWh annualy, while the power resource needed by households is around 4,500 kWh annualy. If there are 1,000 units of electric cars operated by an average power of 5-10 kWh, the installed capacity should reach about 9,500 annualy. This means that the government should build new power plants to meet the increased power requirements up to twice of the installed capacity. How about the increased power requirements for 10,000 units of electric cars which is the aim of the government in 2014?

Besides, the power plants in Indonesia are generally operated by environmentally unfriendly energy such as coals and petroleum. This makes electric cars become environmentally unfriendly, just like the conventional cars. This is because the new power plants that are built to meet the power requirements to operate electric cars will increase the level of air pollution. In conclusion, I agree with the writer; if the government wants to use electric cars in our transportation system, they should start from generating environmentally friendly electrical energy.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

An Introduction To The World

Hello World! Program
Hello world! I'm from Indonesia. I'm a freshman in one of the universities in Bandung. Currently I'm in the faculty of civil and environmental engineering and will choose a major in my second year. At first, I wanted to choose civil engineering as my major but after I was being introduced to ocean engineering, I'm more interested in taking ocean engineering as my major. Maybe it's a bit funny why I'm more interested in ocean engineering rather than civil engineering. My reason is that I like to spend my time on the beach or an island. It is nice to see the view of the ocean.

The reason I make this blog is because this is my English class assignment. Well of course that's not the only reason. In addition, the other reason why I start blogging is because I want to improve my English writing skill, especially in academic writing. I also want to learn how to put my thoughts in writings. So, you are welcome to correct me and help me improve in my writings, and also to share your thoughts about some issues that I will write in my next posts.