Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Addicted To Games?

Do you spend most of your times to think and learn about how to play and win a video game? Cannot wait to play games immediately after your school time is over? Do you forget to eat or take a bath when you are playing games? Do you postpone to do your homework to play games? If mostly your answer is yes to these questions then you are possibly addicted to games. Well, I have been in this situation, addicted to games. How can I defeat my games addiction? I defeat it by first realizing that I am addicted to games and it just gives nothing but bad effects, by finding new activities and hobbies that I am interested to, and by finding other forms of entertainment.
Potentially addicted to video games
Source: http://nypost.com/
When I was in high school, I am addicted to games, especially to the game named Defense of the Ancients (DotA). I read websites that provide guides about how to play DotA so that I could win when I play it with my friends; I read those guides even when I was having lunch or dinner with my family. If my mom asked me whether I wanted to go out or order food by phone for lunch or dinner, I would choose to order food by phone so I could have my lunch or dinner while I was playing games. When the holiday came, I could spend hours in front of my computer to play games and forgot to have my lunch or to take a bath. In addition, if my friend asked me to play DotA with them, most of the time I would say yes even when there is an exam or homework for the next day.  A few months ago, after I got into university, I just realize that I have wasted a lot of time to play games and that does nothing good for me.

Fortunately, it is easy to find new hobbies when I got into university since there are a lot of association for various student activities. I myself chose to learn to play tennis and learn Tarung Derajat, a martial art from Bandung. Playing tennis and practicing Tarung Derajat give more advantages rather than playing games. First, it makes my body healthier and in better shape. Second, it makes me to interact and socialize with other people.

After finding new hobbies, I also needed to find other forms of entertainment, besides playing tennis, to fulfilled my entertainment needs. I am always a big fan of movies and music. However, I have been too busy spending my times for games. Now, after I get rid of DotA in my computer, I relieve my stress by listening to music and sing it. I feel music seems to be more effective to relieve stress more than games. In some of my weekends, I spend my time to watch movies in cinema with my family or my friends.

In conclusion, if you are a game addict like I was, you can defeat your addiction like I do. First, you must realize that you have a problem with games; you are addicted to it and it gives you disadvantages. Second, you need to find something else to do with your time; rather than playing games, you need to find new activities and hobbies that you have interest in it. Third, you need to meet your needs of entertainment by finding other forms of entertainment, other than games.